Transition UStA Administration and Carbon Conversations Project Worker - SB1366
Vacancy Description
Salary: £18,031 per annum pro rata,
Start: As soon as possible,
Fixed term until 31 March 2015
Transition UStA is looking for a motivated and organized person to help deliver its Carbon Conversations project and support its office administration and publicity. The post has two related roles: the first is to lead on the coordination, development and promotion of Transition UStA’s Carbon Conversations program which helps individuals to cut their carbon emissions through attendance at regular, social meetings. The second role is to undertake a range of office tasks to assist with the efficient running of the organisation’s building, monitoring, communication and financial systems. The post will also have a role in communicating and assisting our volunteers with the administration of their work as appropriate.
Interview Date: 3 October 2014
Please quote ref: SB1366
Closing Date: 22 September 2014
Further Particulars: SB1366CG FPs.pdf
Salary: £18,031 per annum pro rata
Start: As soon as possible
Fixed term until 31 March 2015