Considering a career at the University of St Andrews?
St Andrews provides a unique location for Scotland’s first university. Perched on the edge of Fife, overlooking the North Sea, the town is home to around 16,000 people, including around 10,000 students. The town boasts three beaches, beautiful buildings and a mix of shops, restaurants and galleries.
The University is respected as a top university both in the UK and overseas, and regularly ranks highly in university league tables, as well as for its research, student experience, and research-led teaching.
As an employer, we are committed to attracting and retaining the best people and providing a high-quality staff experience which enables all staff to contribute, thrive and perform at their best.
As set out in our People Strategy, we want to attract the best people from a broad range of backgrounds through a modern and inclusive approach to recruitment.
People are central to our continuing success and we warmly encourage you to come and be a part of our world-leading University.
Explore job vacancies at the University of St Andrews

Internal Vacancies
If you are a current employee of University of St Andrews, you can view and apply for internal vacancies here.