The Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group has an opening for a Research Fellow to work in the field of solar physics. The project will be led by Prof I De Moortel and Dr P Pagano (University of Palermo) and applications are sought to work in the area of coronal heating and MHD wave processes. Therefore, experience in MHD code development and running and analysing 3D numerical MHD simulations is essential and experience in observational data analysis is desirable.
You should have completed or expect to obtain shortly a PhD in solar physics.
The post is initially for a term of 3 years with further extensions possible up to 5 years. The start date will be 1 October 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Informal enquiries to Prof Ineke De Moortel (email:
Applications are particularly welcome from women, people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community, and other protected characteristics who are under-represented in research posts at the University.
The University is committed to equality for all, demonstrated through accreditation (Athena SWAN; Carer Positive; Stonewall, LGBT and Race Charters), as listed on:
Please quote ref: AR2594SB
Closing Date: 22 September 2021
Further Particulars: AR2594SB FPs.doc
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Salary: £33,797 - £40,322 per annum
Start: As soon as possible
Fixed term for 3 years in the first instance
Research Fellow in Solar Physics - AR2594SB
Research Fellow in Solar Physics - AR2594SB