We are seeking a talented and creative postdoctoral researcher to work on ocean biogeochemical dynamics using observations, numerical models, and theory. Candidates should have a high level of technical skill in data analysis, and a strong grasp of ocean circulation and biogeochemistry. The position is initially available for two years, with the possibility of extension.
The ocean plays a fundamental role in global biogeochemical cycling, with impacts on climate, planetary habitability, and ecosystem dynamics. Large-scale changes in these cycles – such as that of carbon and oxygen – are being observed or are predicted in the coming decades and centuries. For example, widespread deoxygenation and acidification are expected by the end of the 21st century, with potentially severe ramifications for both marine life and climate feedbacks. Understanding the mechanisms behind these changes is inhibited by a chronic sparsity of observations. Novel theoretical and analytical approaches are required to deepen our understanding of oceanic biogeochemical cycles and their observed changes, and to predict their future evolution and the consequences therein.
This position will form part of a project dedicated to understanding ocean biogeochemical dynamics, their timescales and mechanisms of variability, and their impact on marine ecosystems and global climate. As part of the Ocean Dynamics group at the University of St Andrews, you will use a suite of novel analysis techniques and diagnostics to analyze Earth System Models and observation-based data products. You will creatively explore how physical and biogeochemical processes operate in novel coordinate frames that are aligned with the processes being examined and questions being asked. Together with theoretical considerations, you will use these analyses to diagnose the mechanisms behind historical biogeochemical change, such as recent ocean deoxygenation, and make predictions about the future. In parallel, you will assess the spread in the representation of these mechanisms across a suite of ESMs. To this project you will bring unique perspective and creativity and help to forge the overall direction of the research as it progresses.
You will have:
• A PhD (or shortly expected to achieve) or equivalent in physical, (bio)geochemical, or mathematical sciences;
• An understanding of the physical process relating to ocean circulation and/or the physical, biological, and chemical processes relating to ocean biogeochemical cycles;
• Some experience of analyzing large geospatial datasets, such as global observation-based data products or numerical circulation models;
• Strong programming skills in Python or another appropriate data processing and visualization language.
Informal enquiries can be addressed to Dr Graeme MacGilchrist gam24@st-andrews.ac.uk
Applications are particularly welcome from, people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community, and other protected characteristics who are under-represented in research posts at the University.
Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the St Andrews experience. We strive to create a fair and inclusive culture demonstrated through our commitment to diversity awards (Athena Swan, Carer Positive, LGBT Charter and Race Charters). We celebrate diversity by promoting profiles of BAME, LGBTIQ+ staff and supporting networks including the Staff BAME Network; Staff with Disabilities Network; Staff LGBTIQ+ Network; and the Staff Parents & Carers Network. Full details available online: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/hr/edi/
Closing Date: 18 December 2023
Please quote ref: AR2884DO
Further Particulars: AR2884DO FPs.docx
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Salary: £37,099 - £40,521 per annum
Start Date: As soon as possible
Fixed Term: 2 years, with option for a 1-year extension